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Blockchain Coffee Farmer

“What do they think? Do they like it?” That is what Claudia most wanted to know when she was told her coffee beans had arrived in United States coffee shops. Farmers in Honduras like Claudia who rely on the rain to maintain their crop are facing increased struggles as the effects of climate change take hold and rainfall is more erratic. Claudia chose to try a new way of tracking her coffee and joined a pilot project sponsored by iDE that uses blockchain technology. This type of record-keeping is indisputable and allows farmers to trace their beans from harvest to roast to cup. On a computer screen, Claudia was able to follow the path of her coffee beans from Honduras to Colorado to be sold at a premium, ensuring that she earned money on both sides of the value chain. Claudia and her husband plan to use the income from their coffee to go towards house repairs; specifically, renovating their roof. On top of that, the couple has ideas of opening up a small store for locals and hopes to expand their coffee plantation.

What's next for Claudia

Claudia and her husband plan to use the income from their coffee to go towards house repairs; specifically, renovating their roof. On top of that, the couple has ideas of opening up a small store for locals and hopes to expand their coffee plantation.

Claudia's Details

  • Honduras
  • Agriculture
Entrepreneur Impact
  • Motivating Investment
  • Job Creation
  • Production
Ecosystem Impact
  • Local Economic Development
  • Water Security

Learn more about the blockchain that helps Claudia retain more value from her beans

Country Profile

  • 132/189

    Human Development Index (HDI) Rank

  • 15%

    Poverty Rate

  • 10 Million People


iDE was started as a radical idea that business is a solution to move people out of poverty. 40 years later, we still don't give things away. We create long term change by powering entrepreneurs to end poverty for their families and communities.

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