iDE Global
Amina Website Hover


Farm Business Advisor

Women account for 63% of the agricultural workforce in Mozambique, yet they are frequently unpaid for their labor and undervalued in the marketplace. Amina is an exception. Her story offers a compelling example of how powering women can lead to economic transformation. Despite facing considerable obstacles and discrimination, Amina was able to thrive thanks to her participation in iDE's business plan training, which allowed her to transition from a struggling vegetable vendor to a successful crop aggregator, input supplier, and retailer.

But entrenched gender norms are slow to change. Even as she built her business, her husband's refusal to involve her in financial decision-making rendered her powerless. Only after undergoing couples counseling with iDE was she able to secure the loan she needed to expand her business and gain the respect of her husband. “After he saw my business flourishing, he showed me his pay slip. I felt sorry for the peanuts he is getting. His respect for me is increasing daily.”

Amina is now using her platform to advocate for other women. “Every month, I give ten women two sacks of potatoes and onions on credit to sell. They pay me when they finish so they don’t have to remain in abusive environments because of money.”

What's next for Amina

Her next goal is to partner with potato producers in Dombe as their independent sales agent.

Amina's Details

  • Mozambique
  • Agriculture
Entrepreneur Impact
  • Motivating Investment
  • Access to finance
  • Availability of Technology
  • Output Marketing
  • Training & Capacity Building
  • Local Distribution & Sales
Ecosystem Impact
  • Local Economic Development
  • Water Security
  • Food & Nutrition Security
  • Transformative Market Participation

Country Profile

  • 181/189

    Human Development Index (HDI) Rank

  • 64%

    Poverty Rate

  • 32 Million People


iDE was started as a radical idea that business is a solution to move people out of poverty. 40 years later, we still don't give things away. We create long term change by powering entrepreneurs to end poverty for their families and communities.

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