iDE Global

Growing markets

ENTREPRENEUR PROFILE: Expanding farm-to-business marketing in Mozambique

Mariana attended training for Agente de Desenvolvimento de Agronegocios (ADA) in August 2018, which immediately unlocked her entrepreneurial spirit. The next week, she started supplying fresh produce to a local vocational center (VC) that holds multi-day classes where the participants stay at the center and have meals prepared for them.

The VC calls a few days prior to a new session to tell Mariana how much vegetables they need. Based on the amount and type of product, Mariana contacts the smallholder farmers she works with in a nearby village to start harvesting. She visits the VC to confirm the request in writing and prepares a purchase order. Mariana then collects the needed amount from her producers and delivers the vegetables along with the purchase order to the VC. At the end of month, Mariana combines the purchase orders for the month and issues the center an invoice, then provides them a receipt when she receives their payment check.

Partners in business

"My wish is to satisfy my customer," Mariana said, displaying her receipt book where she keeps a record of her sales and can provide customers with a receipt of what was delivered to them. When asked about the difference before and after receiving iDE training, her husband said that he noticed how much more confident Mariana is now, that she understands the difference between a sale or a profit, and that she has a plan for expanding her business.

I De Pc Ep Moz Mariana Martene

Everyone in the value chain benefits. The center obtains fresh quality produce at the same price they would have had to pay at the market without having to spend the time going there. With a record of purchase order, invoices, and receipts, they are better able to show documentation of their purchases during audits. The VC’s cook is happy because she gets to prepare meals with the freshest vegetables. Mariana’s smallholder farmers are pleased, because they can sell their produce directly from their farms to Mariana without having to worry about how to get it to market and if it will sell. And Mariana, the facilitator for all this, is earning a good profit which she intends to invest in growing her new business.

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A fortunate son

ENTREPRENEUR PROFILE: Improved toilets provide safety, dignity, and privacy in Ghana

The migration of young people from small villages and farms to the city opens up additional options for improving the lives of those who remain behind. Making improved toilets affordable can spur increasing sanitation coverage by marketing to this newly affluent group.

Read more: ENTREPRENEUR PROFILE: How young urban professionals are investing in improved toilets to honor their parents