iDE Global

Climate & Resilience Training and Natural Resource Management

How to best steward our natural resources now and for the future

Natural resources are essential for the farmers and communities we work with. By managing our natural resources more effectively, through training on best practices, we are able to run projects sustainably and stay within environmental limits. We believe communities can live off their environments without depleting their natural resource capital. iDE ensures programs cannot be impacted by dwindling natural resources such as water and arable lands.

For example, in Mozambique, iDE set up 400 farmer field schools across 12 districts in four provinces to increase knowledge and awareness of affordable technologies to achieve higher production using fewer resources. In total, 250 lead farmers trained some 16,000 smallholder farmers (59 per cent women-led businesses.)  

Building resilient enterprises

Parbati Khadkha is the manager of an essential oil distillation enterprise in Nepal. The enterprise is part of a program being implemented by iDE to improve the wellbeing of rural poor, especially women and children, and prepare them for climate change related shocks and stresses. Some 130 families have been involved in Khadkha’s enterprise from the get-go, as part of a cooperative, and have shared in significant profits generated. Essential oil crops are resistant to both drought and floods, earn higher returns, and aren’t affected by pest infestations in the way other crops are in Nepal. 

iDE PC NEP Parbati Khadkha 3X2

Parbati Khadkha, Nepal

iDE uses a comprehensive, layered approach to building resilience and boosting livelihoods. For example, in the case of essential oil distillation, iDE supports community forest groups by restoring derelict or building new distillation units. We train members on how to identify and sustainably harvest essential oil crops (e.g. lemongrass, eucalyptus, curry leaves, mint and chamomile) while avoiding cutting down forests; improving yields and the quality of essential oils; storing and creating desirable products; and connecting farmers with traders and markets.

At the same time, multiple-use water systems are a community-led water resource management technique where groups collectively operate a water collection and distribution system that provides water for both household and agricultural use.

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Measuring Market Resilience

Using an index to understand the durability of markets

The Market System Resilience Index (MSRI) enables us to track the resilience of the wider market system, specifically in rural contexts, helping us better understand and adapt our market creation approach to local contexts.

Read more: Measuring market resilience